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Community Cash

Cash in the Community

Tuesday evening saw the last community cash event of this year and a total of £757 was invested into community ideas.

We had four pitches, some updates and a lovely gift of cash reinvested back into the community pot. Yes, you heard that right – someone returned their investment so that more ideas can grow. 

First up to successfully pitch for a community idea was Sandra from St Andrews Parish Centre who was pitching for £125 for Christmas family film sessions at the centre. They ran these last year and have made some adjustments based on their experience. Keep your eyes out for the dates which we’ll be advertising as soon as we have them.

Next up was 11 year old Alexa from the Pound for a Playbox campaign group. She was pitching for a community idea. She had written an amazing speech, which we are sure you’ll all hear soon as the campaign gets going. She wanted £200 to put into the pot for the Playbox funds and her pitch was supported by the voters.

Janet was next to pitch. Janet is a local reiki master and is also trained to use reiki on animals. Her business pitch was to attune 6 humans in reiki for £250. She particularly wanted to attune people who live with long term and / or limiting health conditions and keep in touch with them via reiki shares. This bid was given the thumbs up, so if you’re interested keep your eyes open for the offer early next year.

Last up was Brenda who was pitching for a Christmas Party and a couple of air fryers for the Family Craft Club. She wanted to make it easier for the parents and carers to make the food at the craft club and also throw a Christmas party to reward and thank the parents and the kids for their contribution to the club. She successfully pitched for £182. 

Whilst Maisie and Ava counted the votes we had updates from the people who had been funded at the last event.

Sandra had received £200 towards a play day in October half term. Around 70 children and their parents had a great time and a lovely lunch had been provided. It was more sedate than the summer offerings as everything was indoors due to the weather. There was an amazing selection of craft activities and children had enjoyed having their faces painted. There was £54 left in the budget which Sandra has donated to the Playbox campaign. 

Ali had received £250 towards the cost of rent for Chair Yoga at St Andrews Parish Centre. She couldn’t make it on the evening and sent a written update 

Hi there everyone! I’m so sorry I cannot come along tonight and update you in person. 

I just want to say a massive thank you for the funding I was awarded at the last meeting. Thank you for putting your trust in me.

I am delighted to say that I started the Chair Yoga sessions two weeks ago. We are holding the class at St Andrew’s Parish Centre on a Wednesday at 11:45am. I am so pleased to say that on the first week we had 12 attendees, and last week 13! So it has been lovely to start with such a positive turn out! 

I have had good feedback from the group and so far, everyone has enjoyed participating in gentle stretching, strength building, breath work and relaxation! 

I hope the class continues to thrive and I hope to come along to the next meeting to give a further update! “

Ben was granted £200 to support the set up of Community Toolmates at the last get together. Work stopped him getting to us on time and so his update will be provided next time. 

We’d also agreed £200 for St Andrews Brownies and Guides to do some water sports. Unfortunately they’d been unable to arrange that and so that cash is back in the pot. 

Phil provided an update on the community defibrillator progress which had been jointly funded through community cash and Brighter Boroughs. The plan was that it was to be installed at Coop Funeral Care and at the very last minute they pulled out leaving the working group very disappointed. We have found a new home and pending agreement from the landlord it will be fixed on the Community Corner, 55a Park Rd. 

Phil had some other amazing news too. You might remember that he received £250 from community cash quite a while ago to set up the bike recycling project. Well he’s got that to a stage where it’s paying for itself and he has been able to reinvest £200 back into the community cash pot so that more great ideas can get a start. What a great community we are. Recycling cash and keeping it moving around the local area. Thank you Phil! 

Maybe one day if we ever get to the stage of being able to offer larger amounts of cash then actions like this – showing how you look after little bits of cash, how you show up in the community, how you collaborate with others and reinvest in community might help us make decisions together around allocating bigger sums of money. 

We were also joined by Cllr David Wood on the evening. Cllr Sheila Ramsdale couldn’t be with us. We’d like to thank Cllr Chris Ready, Cabinet Member for Communities for accepting the invitation to come along to see how we are creating relaxed, informal and welcoming spaces where community members of all ages come together to make decisions about little bits of cash that can make huge ripples in community life.  When we build trust together amazing things can happen. 

We’ve yet to set a date yet for the next community cash and we’ll let you know as soon as we do!