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Playbox Campaign

On Saturday 25th May 2024 community members took to the streets in fancy dress to support the children who are campaigning to improve play for everyone in the community.

On the day £234.17 was raised through donations taking the total to £5266.75. Some donations were also made directly to the bank and we’ll be able to update that figure after the month end.

It’s great to see the community backing the kids and making a stand for more community play, whilst having lots of fun at the same time!

On Saturday, Anthony said he might have a storage container for us too. It might need a touch of welding which he said he can do for us. We’re going to go and take a look at that next week.

This coming week the children visit Mike of Greenmounts Project to tell him about their ideas and see if there’s ways that he can help us out, maybe by helping us install doors in the container, or insulate it or board it out. Who knows what might happen when he gets to hear the children speak.

Wilmott / Dixon have already offered a designer to help bring the designs together and Kris Radlinski has agreed to meet with the children. We’ve a meeting with the Council too next week as we’ll need some help and support keeping it open with lots of fun and playful community opportunities. Maybe you’d like to get involved?

We’ll need an artist too at some point to work with the children to make it our own and of course we’re going to need a whole stack of very durable equipment to use.

If you’ve something to offer then do get in touch. The campaign group meets fortnightly to plan activities and ideas on Tuesdays from 4-5.30. The next one is on the 4th June if you want to come along. We’re also hoping to do some workshops in schools before school is out for summer.

If you’d like to make a donation to the campaign you can do so here.

Northern Heart and Soul CIC

Sort Code: 01-02-46

Account Number: 24352586

If you are able to donate please reference your payment Playbox to help us with the accounting.