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Diggle Street Park – Feedback

We are looking to improve Diggle Street Park in Springfield so that it’s a safer, more fun and truly welcoming space to be in.

Springfield Beech Hill Gidlow Community Group are currently applying for funding and are starting to develop ideas but we would love your input.

So far we’re looking at things like better, nicer seating, fruit trees, more flowers, hedging, trees,  improving paths, picnic tables, games tables, fixing and painting the surrounding fence, and play equipment for older children (budget permitting), and levelling some of the ground to create more usable space and reduce blind spots. When we have draft plans in place we’ll be sharing them!

If you have any ideas or opinions we welcome them.

Survey & Contact

We have a survey, please tell us about how you use (or don’t use the park) and your feelings on how it is

If you prefer, we also have a simple comment form if you want to let us know your opinion online,

or you can Whatsapp or text Victoria on 07768202818

We can also come and meet you at the park to have a chat about it if that’s easier. If there’s enough interest we can organise meetings in the park too. 

We’re really excited about making this space a real community hub that can be used for all kinds of activities.

Want to help out?

If you want to help out improving the park for everyone there are plenty of jobs for everyone. 

Over the next year, we’ll be organising volunteer days where we’ll be doing planting, painting and all sorts! We would love your help in making this happen. 

Keep Up to Date

There will be regular updates on the Friends of Diggle Street Facebook group and Springfield Beech Hill Community Group on Facebook too, and on this website. Or if you want an update, just ask us!