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Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea

The 29th March 2023 saw the first afternoon tea organised and led by the community.

Afternoon Tea

The idea had grown out of conversations in the Thursday morning social space, back in November, and Sam in particular, had wanted to do something for older people in the community. 

“They have such tales to tell.  They have time for you, the oldies.”

We heard about a fun filled afternoon tea with entertainment and a dance in Netherton at the top of the M58 and so Sam, Lisa, Sandra and Angela set off to take a look.  After seeing it in action, and getting some great tips, and the acts phone number, we returned to hatch a plan.

Once the date was set Sam and Lisa scoured the charity shops in the area for all the teapots, tea cups and cake stands; made some tablecloths and visited places where older people lived in the community to talk about the party and offer invitations.  Bunting was borrowed from a recent launch of a womens’ network and the place was spruced up to look a million dollars.  Table decorations were made at Make it Mine, the creative space for women, and flowers were picked from the community garden.   The 40 tickets available, priced at £2 a ticket, sold like hot cakes.

And the last minute gift of aprons, made with love, by Vicky added the finishing touch and Sonya joined the waiting on team on the day.  It’s fair to say we had a ball. Aside from lovely food prepared by Sam and entertainment by Paul, Gills Dad called the bingo and there was a great raffle. Reviews were brilliant.

You can bet your bottom dollar we’ll be doing it again. In fact we are. Probably in June, as we’ve a couple of community parties planned for May.  We’ve started planning and will probably move to St Annes Community Centre so that we can fit more people in. 60 tickets we’ll have next time, and a new act.

We put a successful bid in to Brighter Boroughs so we’ll have some lovely chair covers and new table clothes at the next one.  Once we’ve set the date we’ll advertise it on the events page and the Facebook group.